Thursday, January 21, 2016

3 Reasons Why Being a Part of a Church Family is SO Important

Like many Christians, my own walk with the Lord has had it's ups and downs. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior in 8th grade in my bedroom after having a huge fight with my mom and almost moving out (seriously, Mom gave me trash bags to pack up my clothes in and told me I could leave if I didn't follow her rules. And I was about to, too. I was such a bad child). I had no where else to turn and I didn't really want to leave (for the record, I never left I just said I was going too) so I turned to Christ and prayed for Him to come into my heart, give me peace, and forgive me of my sins. I've never felt such a calming peace as I did that night when I truly accepted Him into my heart. In nursing school, I grew closer to Him because I constantly prayed and asked for His presence always. It wasn't until I got married when I really became involved in my church.

No church is perfect. During this time, we were 18 months without a preacher and we were about to finally have a new one! YAY! I was coming off of night shift and was excited to get back into church. I even got to join the choir again! Singing is my favorite form of worship. Since getting back in church I've learned how important it is and wanted to share a couple thing's I've learned that I think are so important for your walk with God.

1. These people want the best for you.

When I was getting married, the women of the church put together a big church shower. I didn't even know some of these women who took the time out of their Sunday afternoon to make food, write down gift names, clean up, etc. I mean, seriously?! These people must really care about me! One thing I learned from all these women volunteering their time is that when you love the Lord SO MUCH, you receive joy in giving to others rather than receiving. Because believe it or not, it is NOT all about you all the time, it's what you can do to help others in their walk and how you can set an example for them.

2. Surround yourself with those who will build you up and HELP you in your walk.

I love being a part of a small group. Believe it or not, I don't really have many friends (if any) that I hang out with on a regular basis. Our Sunday school class gets together when everyone can schedule a convenient time, which is a great way to just interact with fellow Christians outside of church. Another group I love is the women's ministry we have in the church called Abide. It's women of all ages that come together to do a bible study series, discuss thoughts, pray, worship, and eat. And of course I love my choir peeps! I sang a solo this past Sunday for the first time, like, ever in church and everyone was so nice and complementary. I'm so blessed to be a part of these groups!

3. Constantly learn, read, and grow.

Yes, going to church on Sunday is important. It helps to give you that boost of accountability for the beginning of every week. But just going on Sundays isn't going to cut it for those wanting to grow in their walk. It's a daily basis kind of thing. You must be reading your bible and praying daily. You can always fill your life with other things during the week and on the weekends. Nick and I went out a couple weekends ago to celebrate a friends 21st birthday and it made me realize why I hate going out anymore. I would much rather stay in and go to bed at 9pm every night. And I'm so thankful for that change of heart I've had. Those weekend activities are temporary and for some people regretful. Don't fill your life with that. Instead, take the time to grow in the word and learn about more important, eternal things. Being a part of a church family can help you with that!

Being a part of a church family can offer so much. You have those who love and pray for you, and you have so many opportunities to grow in your walk. I love my church family and can't wait to see how our church will grow over the years to come! 

These are my sweet Upward Cheerleader girls. Upward is for kids to play basketball and cheer but a Christ centered focus. These girls are WILD, but fun :]

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled across your blog this morning. You're doing a great job! I'm a new blogger, too! I loved this post; especially the part about Ladies Ministry. My favorite part of the week is my women's Bible Study. It is so refreshing to hear perspectives of women at all stages of life. I learn so much from the ladies that have already been through the things I'm dealing with!! Great post! Keep it up!
