Monday, January 18, 2016

There's a new blogger in town!

Hello, blogger world!

I can't believe I am now a blogger. I have had a few changes in life recently, with one of them being a new job. As a nurse, it is very difficult to find a job with a "normal" schedule. I now work in a doctor office setting (three weeks and counting) and so far I love it, but most of all LOVE the schedule. I'm getting paid to be off today. WOOHOO!!

This blog will consist of my life as a nurse, my walk with the Lord, and just my daily life in general. Of course because of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), I will never mention any real names in any nursing stories because I would like to keep my nursing license for the rest of my life. I kind of worked hard for it. 

Eventually I'll have theme days like my little sister does with her blog. She's technically my "big" sister, but she's so skinny I like to call her my little sister. She's inspired me to blog! Here's a picture of her helping me with my wedding dress (my mom is on the far right)!

Since I'm off work today, I won't be talking about working. Instead, I slept in until 9am (I went to bed at 8:30pm), chugged some Spark, did my Peloton spin class, showered, then begged my husband to go to Walmart with me. I'm trying to save money here and there, so I've decided to make my own laundry detergent! Only three ingredients: Borax, Arm and Hammer Laundry Soap, and FELS-NAPTHA soap. I love easy recipes. I haven't washed clothes with it yet, but it smells pretty good!

I hope everyone has a great rest of the day!


  1. I started a blog awhile back and sadly I gave up on it. I'll pray that you stay inspired and that you never have a loss for words! Keep it up :)
